The St. Margaret Foundation Heritage Society is a program through which you may memorialize a loved one in perpetuity by making a gift in their memory. Heritage Society members are memorialized perpetually by the peaceful movement of the Heritage Sculpture in the Foundation’s Garden of Hope. The Heritage Society is also featured in the Foundation’s annual donor report each spring and in the Fox Chapel Herald each Memorial Day.
Below is the list of Heritage Society members from January 1 ,2024 through December 31, 2024.

The Alcorns
Blair and Phyllis Allen
Shirley Amodeo
Mary Arrington
Dr. Mohinder M Bahl
Jack & Mamie Bartley
Linda Basel
Martha Baumgartel
Melinda Beard
Mary Bernard
Bill & Helen
Linda Blanker
Daniel Blough
Sal Bosilovich
Stephen J. Botos
Costas Bourtsos
Mary Ann Bove
Anthony and Christine Brace
James and Kathleen Braham
Betty Bricker
Bob Brosius
Edwin and Gloria Brown
Lois H. Buhl
Steven E. Burke
Mary Jane Burnett
Thomas and Felicia Butler
Gabriella and James Carrigan
Lea Green and Kathy Carson
Anthony Castelli
Julia Elizabeth Cathers
Rick and Dolores Cessar
Betty L. Christy
James W. Christy, Sr.
Adriana M. Ciarallo
Theresa Clair
Clarchick Parents
Margaret Clouse
Nancy Jean Work Como
Dr. David P. Connolly
Linda R. Conville
Helen and Don Cornett
Jean Covol
Walter Crnjarich and Marina Crnjarich
Anna Marie Cvitkovic
Irene and Chester Cwynar
Clara M. Cygnarowicz
Roger Alan Czulewicz
Dorothy Dalbow
Grace Danison
AnnaMae Danto
Deceased Family Members
Rev. Michael Decewicz
Michael DeKewicz
Katherine Dennison
Matthew Dickun
Angie Dilick
Dr. Paul Dishart
Endmund Dlutowski
Loretta Dohmen
John J. Donovan III
John and Catherine Dorsch
William Paul Dudas, Jr.
Anna Dudek
Albert Dudreck
Joan Dudreck
My Parents
Frank Duranti
Mark Early
Bridget Ebbert
Patricia Eckles
Mary Elizabeth Edwards
James F. Ehrlich
Delphine Elliott
William R. Emerick
David Emrick
Jane Enciso
Robert Endsley
Consuelo Engleman
Katich Family
Carmella Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fazekas
Rachel Ferguson
Dr. James Ferrante
James Ferrante, Jr.
August and Aurelia Ferraro
Robert John Fiedor
Ian Andrew Fisher
Eleanor and Hugh Fitzgerald
Dr. Rees Flannery
Ruth and Jim Foley
Jim Fonzi
Ruth Frampton
Sandy Franciscus
Donna Frattaroli
Paul R. Freese
William Funfar​
Ed Fusan
Edward & Lois Fusan
Rose Fusaro
Joan Alfieri Gannon
Joseph Gatto
John and Dolores Gentilcore
Ann Gigliotti
Pete Gigliotti
Melissa Glass
Ida F. Gleeson
Lauretta A. Golacinski
Leah Green
Teresa A. Griffith
Donat and Marie Louise Grossmann
Sarah Cook Grubbs
Alice Gummo
Andrew Gummo
Bonnie Schranner Hagan
George Hagopian
Amelia Rose Hamm
Dorothy and James Han
Gilbert Hanan
Fred J. Hann
Frederick S. Hann
Carol Sue Pattini-Helterbran
William Henderson
Walter J. Hill
William John Holland
Deborah Susan Horvat
Bob Hudson
Jack & Edna
Judy Jackworth
John J. Jesih
Fred Johns
Dr. Russ Johnson
Millie Kaczynski
Sara Karkowsky
Janet Marie Keane
Loraine A. Kelly
Mary Jane Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Keltz
Frances A. Kennedy
Lucille Kennedy
Wilson Kennedy
A. Suzanne Kevish
Michael Kibby
Melita Killian
Bruce King
Renee Arturo-Kleiner
Janice Klim
Joanne Kokenda
Dorothy "Dory" Krause
Mildred Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kushner
George L.
Nellie L.
Leslie Latulippe
Amerigo J. Laus
Florine Laus
Alice and Robert Lausberg
John P. Lavery
Fred LeDonne
Dr. Martha Leffler Lincoln and Dr. Allan Theodore Leffler
Helen and William E. Lewellen, III
George Lloyd
Nellie Lloyd
Mark Loney
Robert M.
Anthony Macioce
Anna Mae Macioce
Linda Macioce
Viola M. Madden
Fran, Joan, & Mark Magister
Edna Malachowski
Jeff Marmarella
M. Anne Marshall
Frank Martin
Randy J. Martin
Eugene and Mona Marzullo
Diana McAnallen
Daniel McCaffrey
Carol McConnell
Rita McGinnis
Edith M. McManus
Sue McVicker
Robb Meanor
Sheila Phelan and the Medina family
Joel H. Merenstein , MD
Mike Miele
Pam Miele
Marlene Minnaugh
Michael J. Minnaugh
The Rev. Robert L. Mitchell
William Mogle
Roger Moline
Mom and Dad
Hank Montgomery
Bob Moore
Dr John C. Morphy
My Mother
Mary Gwen Mower
John J. Mower
Bryan Murphy
Charles Murray
Fern Murray
Sue Murray
Tony Myers​
Meredith Naples
Julia Onuska
Geraldine "Gerri" Panza
Martin Parents
Andrew M. Pastva
James L. Patton
Lucas Pavlovich
Mary Pavlovich
Daniel Pawlikowski
Dominic Perrotte
Dave Petrakos
Loretta Pollock
Mike Prozialeck
Noel Quince
Gale Rand
Marion Reich
Patricia Reiser
Wayne Remaley
Marty Reynolds & Family
Shirley, Dusty, and Dave Rhodes
Dr. Josefina Candelaria-Ricasa
Emidio "Emit" Ricci
James P. Ridge
Mary Margaret Ridge
Joe Rihn
Ann Ripley
Ellwyn Ripley
Gwendolyn Robosson
Milton Ross
Charlene Roth
Charles and Katherine Rupert
Eugene "Buck" Ruperto
Rodney Rutkowski
Linda Saban
Michael Sapone
Ferd J Sauereisen
John Scheck
Shirley Scherling
Cecilia A Schreiber
Tim Sergi
Bud Severance
Edith Severance
Dr. Peter Sheptak
Mildred Sieg
Fred Sieg Sr.
Dianne Silvasy
Dr. Gurmit Singh
Diane Skertich
Rich Skowronski
Velma Sluta
Stella Smalski
Dale Smith
Rosemary Soltesz
Sal Somma
Josephine Sprajcar
Clifford Steckman
Dr. Bertrand L. Stolzer
Killian Stuchell
Ruth Sublinsky
Betty Sumic
Joe Sumic
James L. Sweeney
Nancy Swensen, MD
Rose Tedesco
Joseph Tersak, Sr.
Darlene Rebecca Tomson
Nancy Tucker
Angela Turco
Shirley Urey
William Venesky
All Veterans
Mabel Walker
Virginia Marie (Willitt) Walker
Jeff Walter
John and Rose Wartko
Dr. Karl Wefers
Lillian Weimer
Rosie Lee Wilborn
David Curley and Marge Williams
Ronald L. Williams
Daniel Wilt
Bill and Gerry Wiseman
James H. Wood
Kathleen Yalen
Teresa Yester
Mario and Patricia Yialouris
Jeanne Zborowski
Deborah Zehr
Betty Zielinski